A story in 100 words.

Connor thought about Emma and the thing of theirs.
There is an ever-growing list of reasons why he liked her. But for today he thought about these 10* (in no particular order).
Challenges me
Is smart
Makes me want to be better and do better
Is sexy
Pays attention
Is fun and funny
Appreciates life
Is beautiful
Takes time to give thoughtful responses
Is who she says she is
Although this thing of theirs exists in that time “between dog and wolf”*, Conner feels a connection with Emma.
That matters more to him than its meaning or destination.
*subject to change at any time
*the French phrase “Entre Chien et Loup” is translated to “Between Dog and Wolf” — that time of day when the light is such that it is difficult to distinguish between a dog and a wolf, between what is known and unknown