Just a small request.
Dear News Media Outlets,
It’s not looking like President Donald Trump will be removed from office in the coming week. This is unfortunate for many reasons, far too long to list here and not germane to the following request.
As of January 20, 2021, shortly after 12 PM ET, America will have sworn in President-Elect Joe Biden.
I believe most rational people would agree on two things:
The soon to be former president will historically be remembered as the worst president in American history (to date anyway).
America will recover from his four years of recklessness in due time.
With that said, my request is simple. I want your editorial boards to consider ceasing the use of Donald Trump’s name after President-elect Biden has taken office.
Do you recall how media outlets made a concerted effort NOT to use the name of mass shooters? With respect, I am asking you to consider doing the same with the soon to be former president.
Might I suggest using the phrase “former president” …or “ex-president.”
Either one works. Anyone watching/listening will know who you’re referring to because all other presidents will be named, be they living or dead.
If Trump isn’t going to be removed from office, you have the ability to remove his name from public airwaves. This will help erase the stain the soon to be ex-president has made on the United States.
The soon to be former president lives and breathes by having his name in the media. You have the ability to strip him of that lifeforce.
Of course, FOX, Newsmax, OAN, and other conservative outlets will still use his name. For some inane, illogical, and incomprehensible reason, they either genuinely like him …or maybe it's plain fear. Regardless, it remains inexplicable.
Now I don’t encourage bleeping if someone else mentions his name. But where possible, it would be great if an editorial decision was made to remove the use or mention of his name in your reporting — the same way in which you exclude mass killer’s names.
I acknowledge the argument that something like this may incense his “base” or widen the political chasm and divisiveness we’re currently experiencing. I’m sorry to say; I think that ship has sailed.
We have years ahead of us to recover and bridge the political abyss the soon to be former president and he league of morons have thrown us into. This may be one step on the bumpy road of recovery that lay ahead.
He may receive all the legally mandated entitlements due to an ex-president, but the one thing he is NOT entitled to is media coverage. That is entirely on you. Admittedly, his name sells, and there may be a marginal financial impact by using “former president” or “ex-president.” However, I beseech you to consider the well-being of the public over quarterly financial targets.
In sum, I hope you will consider ceasing to use the name of Donald Trump, if not entirely, at the very least in association with the office of the President of the United States after January 20.
Keith R. Higgons