COVID-19 is Deadly — So is the Disaster Capitalism it’s creating.
Nothing brings out the capitalism cretins more than misfortune.
Nothing brings out the capitalism cretins more than misfortune.
In her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism Naomi Klein writes:
The exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) is used to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are excessively distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response, and resist effectively.
Donald Trump and his clown car administration of sycophants, pseudo-experts, and morons are exploiting the current pandemic to their advantage.
We’re distracted by the endless barrage of awfulness that floods us every day, we fail to see what he and his minions are doing…either under the guise of patriotism or empathy — Donald Trump is pathologically incapable of those.
In case you need evidence:
Allies Germany, France, and Brazil have claimed that their medical supply shipments from China have been diverted under dubious circumstances. At least five countries accuse the United States of blocking or taking medical equipment they need to fight the coronavirus.
Politicizing a pandemic is front and center in the Donald Trump administration playbook and the best way for him to profit both politically and financially. On 7 April, he threatened to withhold funds from the WHO (World Health Organization) because it appeared very “China-centric.” W.T.F.
Piggybacking off of Chief Nepotism Officer Jared Kushner’s confusion around the definition of “our” — the LA Times reports President Trump has directed states and hospitals to secure what supplies they can (pitting state against state in the process) — meanwhile, the federal government is quietly seizing orders to stockpile.
Donald Trump has a “small” link to Sanofi, the manufacturer of the drug hydroxychloroquine that he keeps prattling on about. Don’t be misled, Donald Trump does not do “small”. There is a link. Period. The possible dangers of using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 (which include DEATH) are usually ignored as the orange goblin puts on his full-throated snake-oil salesman best — “What do you have to lose?”
According to Politico, the Defense Department’s inspector general who was appointed by President Donald Trump to oversee spending from the $2.2 trillion economic stimulus package was fired on 7 April.
Do you think that could be because the Trump Organization could receive federal aid money?
This is just Trump’s latest incursion into the community of independent federal watchdogs — last Friday he fired the intelligence community’s inspector general, Michael Atkinson, whose handling of a whistleblower report ultimately led to Trump’s impeachment.
Wall Street has President Trump's full attention which accounted for his constipated reaction and erroneous history of discussing the coronavirus. Here’s a brief timeline:
— Jan. 22: Trump says he is not concerned about a pandemic. “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. … It’s going to be just fine.”
— Jan. 30: “We think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”
— Feb. 19: “I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus. So let’s see what happens, but I think it’s going to work out fine.”
— Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
— Feb. 26: “When you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
— March 10: “Just stay calm. It will go away.”
For the full time-line of his lunacy, go to The Washington Post
Is it possible he’s lying and downplaying this so that he can line his pockets and those of his friends?
The Trump Organization has been exploring whether it can delay payments on some of its loans and other financial obligations during the pandemic. This request puts their lenders and landlords in the awkward position of having to accede or risk alienating Mr. Trump. Upsetting the brash asshole NY’er is not quite the same as upsetting the President of the United States with the full weight of the government behind him. What choice to lenders and landlords have?
From The New York Times, of the $2 trillion dollar stimulus package:
$50 billion earmarked for airlines and $8 billion for air cargo carriers. Why’s that again?
$17 billion for “businesses critical to maintaining national security” — like Boeing, the troubled aircraft manufacturer, and Pentagon contractor, who has been reeling since the 737 MAX issues (that continue to be found). Also, expect more brown people and children to be caged.
$15 billion a year worth of tax savings for hotels by allowing them to immediately write off money spent on renovations instead of having to take the deduction over 37 years.
The bill also contains a six-month extension of federal funding through the end of November for abstinence-only education programs. W.T.F.?
Remember Trump University? A provision in the bill allows all colleges to retain federal funds allocated to help educate qualifying students — critics of for-profit colleges contend that, because those schools tend to have higher dropout rates, they (the colleges) would be able to retain more of the money they collect via federal loans.
I don’t mean to infer the stimulus package is all bad…but consider that you may be getting $1200, how much do you think some of these corporations and people, even tangentially linked to Trump, will receive? Hint: it’s going to be much more than $1200. And really, how far will $1200 take you? I admit, it’s something and it’s better than $0, but without a sustainability plan in place, it’s efficacy during this crisis is nominal.
“Only a crisis — real or perceived — produces real change. When that crisis occurs the actions that are taken depend on the ideals that are lying around.” — Milton Friedman
It’s safe to say that the ideas flying in and around the White House are dangerous and unoriginal, at best…idiotic, at worst.
While Naomi Klein uses mostly wars and political upheaval as examples in her book, she recently posted a video on The Intercept detailing what she calls “Coronavirus Capitalism”:
Coronavirus Capitalism - and How to Beat It
I've spent two decades studying the transformations that take place under the cover of disaster. I've learned that one…
Do not be mistaken, the Trump Administration is using all the tools at its disposal (some are even legal) to do what Klein would say is, “exploiting the public’s disorientation.”
If you think that President Trump and his clown car administration has your best interests in mind, you’re not paying attention.
On the mind of many is the question as to whether Donald Trump could cancel the elections in November? I don’t know if there is legal precedence for that. But who can predict the actions of a madman?
However, now that Bernie Sanders has tapped out of the Presidential election leaving many with one burning question:
Is Joe Biden any better than Donald Trump? I suppose…maybe…I don’t know. That’s like asking is Chylamdia better than Herpes.
President Donald Trump is a charlatan.
If you see him as anything other than a charlatan or snake oil salesman who is using this pandemic to enrich himself and his cronies, you just haven’t been paying attention.
Who do you think suffers under a “shock doctrine” or “disaster capitalism”? Or, in this case, who will suffer under any type of “coronavirus capitalism”?
It won’t be the 1%.
It never is.
It will be you and I.
It always is.