New Publication — Memories of 9/11
Let’s use Medium as a place to share our stories — we all have them.
September 11. 2001
Let’s use Medium as a place to share our stories — we all have them.

We’re coming up on the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. I think no matter where you were, you have a story about that day and how it impacted you.
I have mine and will be sharing it shortly.
And then I began thinking that, as writers, Medium would be a great place for those of us who want to share our experiences to do so. But not buried on some random publication, so I created this publication with only one purpose — for those of us who want to share our stories can. And it’s here — on Memories of 9/11 — where they will live.
Email me directly (keithrhiggons at, your Medium ID, and I will add you as an editor, which means you won’t have to wait to publish your story. I don’t have the capacity to edit stories.
BUT here are the requirements:
You MUST have a title.
You MUST have a subtitle.
You MUST have a picture — properly attributed — at the top of your article.
PLEASE try to use the kicker of September 11, 2001 — if you don’t know how to do that, you should be able to find out. I reserve the right to add the kicker if I notice it is not present.
PLEASE use a FREE editing service like Grammarly or Hemingway Desktop, or any other. It won’t catch EVERYTHING, but it will catch a lot of the more obvious mistakes. I also reserve the right to remove any article I find that is egregiously unedited.
Lastly, I reserve the right to remove any article I find offensive, inflammatory, racist, antagonistic towards anyone or group, etc.
This is a place SOLELY for your remembrance of how September 11, 2001, impacted you. Tell your story about where you were on that day and what you were doing. You’re all writers, so do your best here. You don’t NEED to be an American because this was and remains an event that had a worldwide impact.
I’d like to stress that this publication is only for your personal stories, not political or ideological beliefs. Those WILL BE removed at my discretion.
I have decided to keep contributions open as long as people are interested in contributing.
Here’s hoping you want to share your story here.