One is not better than the other, they’re just… different.
NOW — I’m committed to religiously wearing my seat belt and making sure all the alcohol is out of my system.
THEN — I would drive around without a seat belt on, using my knee to drive the car, and trying to spark a bowl.
NOW — Unless I know you or am expecting your call, you’ve got a better chance reaching me on the phone if you send up smoke signals.
THEN — I would spend about upwards of 50% of my spare time talking on the phone or making prank calls.
NOW — Weed is legal in a ton of places… and it’s strong af.
THEN — You either sat in some grocery store parking lot, for hours, waiting for your friend or dealer to show up… with some halfway decent weed OR you had to go to some sketch part of town… and still wait. And if you’re lucky, it wasn’t awful.
NOW — You have edibles.
THEN — You had a empty toilet paper roll jam packed with about six Bounce sheets you would exhale your weed through in an attempt to mask the smell. And then your mother would come in wondering why your room smelled like Bounce.
NOW — Seedless weed.
THEN — Unless properly de-seeded, you ran the risk of a seed popping and burning your forehead.
NOW — You queue up Spotify and you typically know what you want to hear.
THEN — You would have to wait for the radio to play your favorite song. And they did and you found out who it was, you would walk into the record store and POOF the name of the band would be gone and you’d leave with some crap like an Alan Parsons Project album.
NOW — You can get anything delivered to you… in two days.
THEN — You had to “let your fingers do the walking” and call around every store and ask if they had what you were looking for.
NOW — See previous statement about getting anything delivered.
THEN — If you saw a store that sold waterbeds, you knew you could get a bong.
NOW — You can download an app and hook up with ANYONE.
THEN — Whatever your preference was, the best case scenario meant doing a some legwork.
NOW — We carry a computer in our hands.
THEN — A computer with the same functionality would’ve filled up a small room.
NOW — You might have no idea what this is:
THEN — You kinda knew what it was, but had no GD idea what it did.
NOW — You have resumes and cover letters saved on your computer.
THEN — It would take HOURS to craft a cover letter and tweak a resume, and if you misspelled something, you had to do it again… unless you had this:
NOW — People wear pajamas when they fly on a plane.
THEN — Your parents made you put on your church clothes to fly on a plane.
NOW — You’re a pariah if you smoke.
THEN — About the only place you couldn’t smoke was a school classroom… until you got to college.
NOW — Flea markets are boutique places where artisans sell their unique work.
THEN — You may have thought flea markets actually had fleas, until you went and realized it was just one giant garage sale.
… and on and on it goes…