Yea. I voted. — A rant in 100 words.
No matter which way this falls, does anyone think this is over?
The amount of lawyers each side has queued up for lawsuits will make the Game of Thrones “Battle of the Bastards” look like a cotillion.
If Trump succeeds and you’re any, or all, of these three things — rich, white, old — you’ll be fine. If you’re not? I’m genuinely sorry, I’ll do what I can to help.
If Biden succeeds, it’s a long road to hoe back to normal.
There are real reasons to fear a Trump second term.
If you’re not afraid then you haven’t been paying attention.
**As I post this, it’s 6:45am ET and Biden leads with an estimated 253 EC votes to Trumps 214. I don’t share the media’s optimism in a Biden victory. We’re walking a razor’s edge and it’s not exciting — it’s terrifying. I hope I’m wrong.