I was standing in the shower thinking …
I saw this as a Meme, and it made me laugh — “What if UFOs are just billionaires from another planet?”
These January 6 congressional meetings — what does anyone really think something is gonna come out of this? — asking for a friend.
What good ever goes on in a basement? Aside from being the main flood point for a home, think about all the things you may have done in a basement when you were younger. I’ll cop to the majority of things that I’ve done in a basement were more than likely illegal at the time. And let’s not even talk about crawl spaces.
Is overworking really a flex?
A lot of white-collar work isn’t really working at all, it’s bluster about work that needs to be done. To that end, there is A LOT of movement, but nothing ever really seems to get accomplished.
These mask mandates are getting really bizarre; wear a fuckin mask.
Speaking of that — how the fuck did microchips come into the discussion of vaccines? There are plenty of reasons to question Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation, but putting microchips in a vaccine is NOT one of them.
I think most people agree that Prince was a musical genius. Am I the only one who thinks that maybe Prince understood his mortality and put all that music in a vault so that he could continue to influence people with new music after he died? That seems like it’d be in his wheelhouse.
Eric Clapton is being held to task for things that he said once in 1976 at a concert. What he said was indeed awful. They are comments for which he has apologized repeatedly over the years since. Furthermore, he has not said anything similar since. Now, my question is this — who among us has not said something aloud for which we regret now? I have. If I were held to task for every stupid thing I had done or said ONCE, I never would’ve made it into my 20s. Eric Clapton is NOT God; he’s human — just like the rest of us.
It’s been more than 180 days, and President Joe Biden still hasn’t named the fifth member to the Federal Communications Commission. Each day that goes by without a fully functioning FCC is a day that the jackass Ajit Pai’s legacy of sabotaging a free and open internet lives on. And it is leaving the commission deadlocked 2–2 — unable to act on critical initiatives to bridge the digital divide and restore the net neutrality protections repealed by Trump-administration FCC Chair Pai. If Biden doesn’t act soon, the agency charged with ensuring a free, open internet and broadband access for everyone will remain stalemated. I don’t suspect he will act — his ties to cable providers, particularly Comcast, are deep. And the ISP’s, of which Comcast is one, gain the most by a strangled internet.
[Fun Fact — While America ranks 11th overall in the world regarding internet speed, the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) broadband data reported that 157.3 million people — nearly half of the U.S. population — aren’t using the internet at minimum broadband speeds, which the FCC considers 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. For context, that’s around what the average house in Uzbekistan gets.]
Paula Cole asked: “Where have all the cowboys gone?” — did anyone circle back to her about this? I don’t want to think she’s still waiting for an answer on that.