Top Ten Ways to Make Money & Have Sex Using Medium
That’s write (see what I did there) — you can make some scratch AND get laid! I’ll show you how.
That’s write (see what I did there) — you can make some scratch AND get laid! I’ll show you how.

Actually, this article is about neither of those things. It just seems that those remain the most popular articles here on Medium.
Clickbait. (insert Tuba sound) Sorry.
The platform has somehow found a way to blend Penthouse Forum and the (ahem) wisdom of dime-store self-help gurus.
First, let me say I like Medium. I think the platform is clean, SUPER user friendly, has a terrific and supportive community, and can be fun. For a brief moment in time, it even allowed you to earn a little bit of money!
Over the past six months, my income here has taken a nosedive. I never made A LOT of money on Medium, but I made some. Enough to warrant the energy I put into it. And then there was a precipitous drop-off. It no longer deserves the energy. I do it now just for fun.
My “income” (such as it is) has been halving since September. I’ve been writing about the same amount of content since about August.
Three points here:
I recognize that I write things people don’t want to read en masse. Music stuff and 100-word stories are not everyone’s jam. Trust me; I see my numbers. I just no longer have the energy (or desire) to chase the “big” publications and try to guess what the editors want. And the number of followers I have doesn’t warrant them reaching out to me. So, I figure I’ll do whatever I want. I’ve tried playing the game and found modest success late in 2019, early 2020. By Spring of 2020, chasing those pubs had become a fool's errand. The response/rejection time for most pubs is pathetic, even on their best day. One of the more significant appeals of the platform is its immediacy.
You CAN make money on Medium. That is most certainly true. If you’re an established brand — think Medium founder Ev Williams, comedian Sarah Cooper, entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, politicians Barak Obama and Elizabeth Warren, etc. — these folks have well over 100k followers and won’t encounter a delay in their articles being posted to the more visible pubs …and with that many followers, readership is a guarantee, they don’t even need a publication.
The increasing income stratification found in the Medium ecosystem matches the growing chasm of income inequality in America. I know, I know, I’ll save that lecture for my meeting down at the docks later today. In any event, I am beginning to believe, based on my experience and what I’ve read of others, Medium is no longer even a relatively fair playing field — insomuch it ever really was. I used to make a decent amount, enough for a nice dinner, then enough for a nice lunch, and now? So far this month, I could MAYBE buy a large coffee at Dunkin …and that’s all.
Sure, you can make money on Medium; that is absolutely a possibility. But, the likelihood you’ll crack four or five figures these days are pretty much gone for the vast majority of us (hell, even three figures is increasingly out of reach).
Yea, of course, it CAN happen …and Medium is loaded with slime balls preying on that minuscule chance. You’ll find them hawking their shitty listicles or giving advice in every nook and cranny of the platform.
AND if you write about sex or making money on Medium, you might actually reap some financial rewards. Those aren’t things I want to write about.
I have always maintained that I will continue to write and use Medium as long as I am making the 5 bucks a month I spend on it. The minute it dips below that, I’m out. At my current trajectory, it’s looking like May or June may be the tipping point.
It’s a shame really because I do like this platform, but the design changes and payout adjustments over the last six months have both slowed the platform and dramatically impacted my wallet. I’ve seen my followers increase, which is awesome for me …but much better for Medium.
So we’ll see how it shakes out. I dunno.
But because I don’t want to leave you hanging, I suspect there is only one way to make money and have sex using Medium — post and add sex for money. Not terribly original, but there’s a reason it’s the oldest profession.